Here’s The Deal.

You have a 4% chance of acceptance into
an Ivy League…

But - some students have a 75% chance of acceptance into an Ivy League.

Do you want to be one of them?

We Take the Guesswork out of Admissions

Our Ivy League mentors:

  • Give you the roadmap to a 75% chance of admission to your dream school

  • Teach you how to develop your Spike

  • Help you plan your high school years to give you the best shot at admission

Our Alumni have been accepted to Their Dream Schools

UC Berkeley
11% acceptance rate

University of Chicago
5% acceptance rate

Northeastern University
7% acceptance rate

Stanford University
4% acceptance rate

Vanderbilt University
7% acceptance rate

Yale University
4.6% acceptance rate

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What our Students have to say

We’ve Done the Research

Give yourself a 75% Chance of Ivy League Admission